The 13 questions to ask yourself before starting to plan your virtual fair.
Apart from the restrictions due to the health crisis we are going through, virtual events have many benefits: it avoids wasting, it helps reduce your carbon footprint, has no distance limit, it simplifies logistics, and lower costs … and this is only to name a few.
Before you embark on the virtual adventure (or on your hybrid experience), whether you’re in the event business or not, we’re here to help, and we’ll start by outlining the 13 questions to ask yourself before taking the virtual step.
1 – What are my needs for this event?
Whether you are a large structure, a university, an association … In all cases, you need to determine your needs before starting. Once your needs are determined, you will be able to project yourself more easily, and let us offer you the solution that best meets your expectations. We have had clients from all sectors, a trade show for commercial purposes, for employment, to promote training, to do business, or even just host live sessions, we can offer you a personalized and completely customized plateform.
2 – What type of support do I need?
Whether you are an expert or a beginner in computer science, our solution is accessible to all. The organizer does not need any particular technical skills to create an event thanks to the platform’s back-office. We will provide you with all the necessary training for you to easily set up your event. One of our project managers will always be here to support and help you and answer all your questions. You will set up the platform, but you won’t be alone, don’t panic!
3 – Will going digital be able to answer my problem?
It is important to determine what your event’s main problem is. Do you want to attract visitors from all over the world? Are looking for a specific profile? To let everyone know that your brand is digital and in trend? There are as many possible issues as there are events. Depending on the issue, we can give you all the best ways to use tools such as sessions, webinars, or booth chats. Going digital offers a wide range of possibilities that can contribute to the success of your event.
4 – What will be my challenges for this event?
Do you need to present a new range of products or promote your brand? Connect different people? Host live sessions? Present job/training offers? The stakes can vary but the virtual fair solution has many advantages that can bring you an interesting ROI depending on your goals.
5 – Do I have sufficient resources to carry out this project?
Depending on the size of the event, the resources needed may vary. Many parameters must be taken into account such as the number of booths, sessions, the number of visitors expected… Some fairs will require a part-time person on the project, other fairs will require more time and a larger team. The virtual fair allows certain flexibility, but it also requires rigor. For the project to succeed, it will take work and a certain regularity to make this event a success.
6- How long does it take to properly prepare my virtual event?
As a general rule, the preparation time ranges between 4 and 10 weeks. The setup period is shorter than for a face-to-face event, however, the work required and the deadlines to be met are not negligible. For your virtual event to be successful, it will require good communication and involvement from all stakeholders.
7 – Who will be the user on my event?
The different users of such an event are the advisors/exhibitors, speakers, and organizers. The exhibitors are essential for the success of a show, their participation will indeed take less time than the organizer, but they will still have to provide content for their booth. It will also be necessary to think about the visuals to create the booth decor, to define who will be their advisors available on the booth on the day, as in a face-to-face event. The exhibitors must be mobilized and involved in the project. Your role as the organizer will be to be (the builder) of your event. Whether they are in the same city or abroad (yes, our tool adapts to everyone’s language!), you will be able to set up many elements thanks to the Appyfair platform. As an organizer, just like in a face-to-face fair, you will be one of the keys to the success of your virtual fair. You will be well supported by our project managers who will be there to help you in every step of the setup of your event. You will organize, manage and be the bridge between the platform and your exhibitors. Without forgetting the leads to good communication, which will be an essential element to the success of your event. It is a point that should not be neglected and that will allow you to attract and convince your audience.
8 – Who will be your audience?
Visitors from all over the world, colleagues, high school/students, there are as many possibilities as there are sectors. Defining your target precisely and making some personas could help you define and build a communication strategy to promote your event in the most accurate possible way.
9 – How many visitors do you expect to reach?
When we meet to discuss your project, we will need to know how many visitors are expected. This estimate is going to help you with the platform set up, the organization, but also and especially for your communication strategy. Depending on the number of people, the needs on the D-day will not be the same and it will allow you to keep a quantitative objective insight.
10 – How will I mobilize everyone around this event?
As mentioned above, all the actors of the event are essential, it is important that they are mobilized and involved. Indeed, if you work with several companies, for example, you can involve them in your communication, so the visibility of the event will benefit all and make them feel concerned. Virtual fairs give you precise data and statistics on the attendee which can motivate the exhibitors. It is very important to make all stakeholders aware of the issues of your event, and to maintain close communication throughout the organization to ensure the satisfaction and involvement of all!
11 – For how long?
This period depends on your needs and your goal. Open house days for schools are generally done between March and April, recruitment sessions and new product presentations are all year round, the important thing is that the date corresponds to your sector, your target and above all that it meets your needs.
12 – What is the budget needed?
The budget will depend on the size of your event. Indeed, if you organize a small in-house fair the budget in terms of time and fare will not be the same as for a large international event dedicated to the open public. Your budget will remain more economical compared to a face-to-face trade event, allowing you more flexibility to plan your new project.
13 – When can I start?
It’s up to you to tell us! We can’t wait for you to discuss your project with us. Don’t wait any longer to request a free demo and learn more about our plateform.
Other advice?
Don’t hesitate to go through our articles and dedicated guides!
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